onsdag 22 februari 2012

Del 150 i "Cecilia är upprörd och arg".

Jag älskar att jag bara låter folk som kan formulera sig bättre än mig sköta snacket. Så gårdagens avsnitt av Glee gjorde mig riktigt upprörd. Nästan lika arg som I kissed a girl gjorde mig.. Alltså på riktigt. Ilskan riktigt pulserade genom min kropp. Här skriver en kille om sina känslor inför gårdagens avsnitt:

"It sucks that that had to happen to Karofsky. Suicide sucks in general. What happened tonight, between both Quinn and Karofsky are two extremely dark events that I can relate to on levels I will never open up to anyone about.
One of the biggest upsets, for me, was the mistreatment of Santana’s coming out. Both Naya and Max are terrific, show-stopping, scene-stealing actors. Naya/Santana could have had this plot, and for the most part should have. Both Max and Naya would have given this plot complete justice, it was just a shame that Santana’s coming out journey was essentially dismissed as a joke, where-as Dave’s was given more emotional and deep treatment. Dave and Santana are terrifyingly similar. Both used their fear of their sexuality and channeled it into rage, and for the most part have gone and still go unaccepted. Both in terms of their sexuality and their peers around them.

Saying “no one knew” about Karofsky is what angered me the most, because no one knew about Santana, and when they did know? “No one cared”. No one cared that Santana was in a constant uphill battle, that every day was a fight, or that she was now having to face a reality she wasn’t prepared for. It took Dave’s suicide attempt for everyone to finally realize that shit can get real, and it can get real fast. Yet, during this entire time? No one once asked Santana, the girl who went through the exact same thing as Karofsky, if she was okay. Apparently, in the writers head’s after “I Kissed A Girl”, Santana was fine. Everything was okay, and the show could go back to boring Finchel drama because heterosexual couples and male dominance is what matters the most.

Dave’s attempted suicide scene was heartbreaking and hard to watch, that’s a fact. Max nailed the scene and made me a sobbing mess.

but what about Santana?"

Så innan mitt blod börjar koka av ilska igen, så kan vi titta på Fly/I believe I can fly från gårdagen, och så kan alla lova mig att se Alla hjärtans dag-avsnittet ikväll på tv11 kl 20:00 istället, för det var jätte jättebra. Eller sista avsnittet i säsong 1 på tv4 kl 17:00, det är också jättebra. Eller båda.  

New Directions - Fly/I believe I can fly

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