torsdag 15 mars 2012

Dianna Agron - Hey Jude

Wow. Undra om det går att vara sötare. Att hon inte får fler solon i Glee är ungefär lika ologiskt som att Heather inte får dansa mer.


OK, well….late to the party, I have just been informed of this action…and I can’t tell you how much I am flattered, and feel the need to send out a huge, “THANK YOU!!” I have not been close-lipped about my opinions over the years, and it truly brightens my day knowing that you have already raised over a thousand dollars in honor of my Birthday and such a wonderful organization, The Trevor Project.

As a tiny token of my appreciation, I give you my very first, perhaps last, newly created, “MUSIC BOX SESSIONS.” This is VERY silly, especially this first attempt. No, I am not forgetting the words, just not very good at winding while singing at the same time. But why redo? Here you go. This seemed to be a very “Charlie” thing. Anywhere else on the web….well…..And why “Hey Jude?” Well, I have a box of six and this is the first one I pulled out. Sorry if that isn’t what you wanted to hear. But I think it’s interesting….OK no more excuses. Except, sorry for the accidental growl. Don’t know where that came from.

OH! ONE NOTE: I will match all donations made by my Birthday. Yeah? That sound good?

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